MTHURN's Perl Modules 

I am the author and/or maintainer of several modules on CPAN , the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. Every CPAN author has a personal directory on CPAN, mine can be found at . In the list below, module names are links to documentation on You can download the modules from my CPAN directory, or you can use a semi-automatic installer such as CPANPLUS .

I do all the work on these modules in my precious spare time. Knowing that people actually care about and utilize my work inspires me to keep plugging away at them, little by little!

If you enjoy my modules, or if they have saved you a lot of time, or if you have (gasp!) profited from my work, perhaps you would consider showing your appreciation by buying something from my Amazon wish list and having it shipped to me, or by sending me a donation via PayPal (clicking this logo will take you to in a new window with my information already filled in):

Page updated Fri Jan 14 14:28:37 2011 / Maintained by Martin Thurn